Quotes -- Evil

Copyright © 1999, 2001 by Hugo S. Cunningham
started 990329
last updated 20060116



quote and authorsource-- book or URLquote in original language (if applicable)
"Forest Lake.
"We are doing very well here. We have work and we are well treated. We await your arrival."
    --preprinted post cards handed out to some new arrivals at Nazi death camps.
from William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1960; p. 969.
Added 990330
Waldsee [...]?
"A German boy must be lean and mean, quick like a greyhound, tough as leather, and hard as Krupp steel. He must learn self-denial, to endure reproaches and injustice, to be reliable, silent, obedient, and loyal ..."
    --Motto of the Hitler Youth
cited in Klaus P. Fischer, The History of an Obsession: German Judaeophobia and the Holocaust, Continuum Publishing Co., New York, 1998; p. 148.
Added Y00125
"Der deutsche Junge muss schlank und rank sein, flink wie ein Windhund, zäh wie Leder und hart wie Kruppstahl. Er muss lernen, Entbehrungen auf sich zu nehmen, Tadel und Unrecht zu ertragen, zuverlässig, verschwiegen, gehorsam und treu zu sein. ..."
"Vladimir Ilich [the future Lenin] had the courage to say openly that the consequences of the [1891] famine -- the emergence of an industrial proletariat, that grave-digger of bourgeois rule -- were a progressive phenomenon, for they aided the growth of industry in moved us toward our final goal, toward socialism through capitalism. But only the consequences of the famine were a progressive phenomenon, not the famine itself. The famine, destroying the peasant economy, simultaneously destroyed belief not only in the Tsar, but also in God, and with time, undoubtedly, would push the peasants on the road to revolution and facilitate the victory of revolution."
    --Aleksei Aleksandrovich Belyakov

Aleksej Aleksandrovich Belyakov, Yunost' Vozhdya: Vospominaniya Sovremmenika Lenina ("The Youth of the Leader: Recollections of a Contemporary of Lenin"), Molodaya Gvardiya, Moskva, 1958; str. 78-79.
Quote brought to our attention by Stephen Courtois et al., The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression translated by Jonathan Murphy and Mark Kramer, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 1999; pp. 123-124.
Added Y00125
«Vladimir Il'ich [budushchij Lenin] imel muzhestvo otkryto zayavit', chto posledstviya goloda [1891-go goda] -- narozhdenie promyshlennogo proletariata, e^togo mogil'shchika burzhuaznogo stroya, -- yavlenie progressivnoe, ibo sodejstvuet rostu industrii i dvigaet nas k nashej konechnoj celi, k socializmu cherez kapitalizm. No imenno tol'ko posledstviya goloda sozdayut progressivnoe yavlenie, a ne samyj golod. Golod, razrushaya krest'yanskie xozyajstva, odnovremenno razbivaet veru ne tol'ko v carya, no i v boga, a so vremenem, nesomnenno, tolknet krest'yan na put' revolyucii i oblegchit pobedu revolyucii.»
Ob"yasnenie russkoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'

Note: Since this was an authorized Soviet publication, Belyakov emphasized that the young Lenin was not advocating famine, despite malicious distortions by political opponents. He merely wished to avoid helping the Tsarist oppressors alleviate the famine, the natural consequence of Tsarist misrule.
In contrast, liberals and pro-peasant "Social Revolutionaries" (SRs) put ideology aside to help mobilize civil society for famine relief. The peasants remembered this in November 1917, when, in a free vote for the "Constitutuent Assembly," they overwhelmingly rejected Lenin's Bolsheviks in favor of SRs. Their correct evaluation of Bolshevism was soon revealed as the Bolsheviks caused two monstrous famines (1921-22 -- 5 million peasant deaths -- and Collectivization 1932-1933 -- 7 to 10 million peasant deaths). These dwarfed the 1891 toll of 400,000-500,000 deaths, previously considered a record.
View a Stalin-era graph inadvertently indicating the disastrous impact of Collectivization

«I will bring to your attention here, in all openness, another very difficult chapter.
«I am talking about the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that one talks of easily. "The Jewish people will be exterminated," says an ordinary Party comrade, "it is clear, it is in our Party program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we'll do it." And then they all come, the honest 80 million Germans, and each has his decent Jew. Sure, it is clear, the others are swine, but this one is an A-1 Jew. Of all who talk so, none have watched it, none have stood through it. Most of you know what it signifies, when 100 corpses lie together, when 500 lie there or when 1000 lie there. To have seen this through, and even so -- disregarding exceptions of human weakness -- to remain decent, that has made us hard. This is a glorious page of our history, never written and never to be written.» [italics added]
    --Nazi SS Chief Heinrich Himmler to a meeting of SS group leaders, Posen, 4 Oct 1943
International Military Tribunal, Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal, 14 November 1945 - 1 October 1946, Nuremberg Germany, 1948; Volume 29, Document 1919-PS, pp. 145-146,
a reprinting of
"Rede des Reichsführer-SS bei der SS-Gruppenführertagung in Posen am 4. Oktober 1943."
described as follows:
Sammlung verschiedener Reden von Himmler (191 Seiten) in grünen Papphefter | W von Seite 1 - 116 Ds, eine Reihe von Ausbesserungen Erstschrift"
pp. 64-66.

Note: I was pointed to the Nuremberg document by
Lucy S. Davidowicz, The War Against the Jews 1933-1945, Bantam Books, 1986, p. 149.

Added 000221; revised y11116

«Ich will hier vor Ihnen in aller Offenheit auch ein ganz schweres Kapitel erwähnen.
«Ich meine jetzt die Judenevakuierung, die Ausrottung des Jüdischen Volkes. Es gehört zu den Dingen, die man leicht ausspricht. -- "Das Jüdische Volk wird ausgerottet," sagt ein jeder Parteigenosse, "ganz klar, steht in unserem Programm, Ausschaltung der Juden, Ausrottung, machen wir." Und dann kommen sie alle an, die braven 80 Millionen Deutschen, und jeder hat seinen anständigen Juden. Es ist ja klar, die anderen sind Schweine, aber dieser eine ist ein prima Jude. Von allen, die so reden, hat keiner zugesehen, keiner hat es durchgestanden. Von Euch werden die meisten wissen, was es heisst, wenn 100 Leichen beisammen liegen, wenn 500 daliegen oder wenn 1000 daliegen. Dies durchgehalten zu haben, und dabei -- abgesehen von Ausnahmen menschlicher Schwächen -- anständig geblieben zu sein, das hat uns hart gemacht. Dies ist ein niemals geschriebenes und niemals zu schriebendes Ruhmesblatt unserer Geschichte.»

The Himmler speech in more complete context

"Should the international Jewish financiers succeed once again in plunging the nations into a world war, the result will not be a victory for the Jews but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe."
    --Adolf Hitler in speech to the Reichstag, 30 January 1939
Ian Kershaw, Hitler, 1936-1945: Nemesis, Allen Lane/The Penguin Press, 2000; cloth, 1115 pp.; illustrations after p. 530. Photograph of September 1941 poster, "slogan of the week" for distribution to Nazi Party branch offices.
Added y10229
"Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum gelingen sollte die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das ergebnis nicht der Sieg des Judentums sein sondern die Vernichtung der Jüdischen Rasse in Europa."
    --Adolf Hitler
"We will deliver to the Ukrainians head-scarves, glass chains as jewellery, and whatever else colonial peoples like. We Germans -- that's the main thing -- must form a closed community like a fortress. The lowest stable-lad must be superior to any of the natives ..." Ian Kershaw, Hitler, 1936-1945: Nemesis, Allen Lane/The Penguin Press, 2000; cloth, 1115 pp.; p. 402.
Kershaw in turn cited:
Adolf Hitler: Monologe im Führerhauptquartier 1941-1944. Die Aufzeichnungen Heinrich Heims, ed. Werner Jochmann, Hamburg, 1980; 63 (17-18 September 1941)
Added y20111
(German) (?)
[Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, promising to abolish slavery, is] "a measure by which several millions of human beings of an inferior race, peaceful and contented laborers in their sphere, are doomed to extermination."
    --Confederate President Jefferson Davis
    message to Confederate Congress, 12 Jan 1863
Bruce Catton, Centennial History of the Civil War, V. 3: Never Call Retreat, Doubleday & Co., 1965; p. 48. Catton cited in turn Dunbar Rowland, Jefferson Davis, Constitutionalist, V. 5, pp. 409, 411.
This Davis message has also been posted to the web.
Added 2004/0206
Mr. Davis was recognized as a decent man in his own time, both to his White constituents and to his personal slaves. This bloodthirsty quote illustrates the fallacy of thinking "in the box" -- secessionist "Confederates" (and many Unionists) were unable to conceive of ex-slaves as peaceful and productive fellow-citizens. Unlike Hitler, however, Mr. Davis never attempted to act on what sounds like a threat of mass murder.
"The Jew David Rubiné, naturalized French at the dawning of the Popular Front, went by the name of Davidovici Ruben before May 1, 1936. He set up medical practice in Conches, in 1935, before he was given French nationality. Now that a decree of the Marshal Pétain takes away the benefit of that nationality from him, the Jew Davidovici plays dumb. He continues to practice. Perhaps it will be enough to point out this very curious anomaly to the Prefect of the Eure, responsible for carrying out the law."
    --Je Suis Partout (collaborationist periodical edited by Robert Brasillach), 7 July 1941, regular column "Partout et ailleurs."
Alice Kaplan, The Collaborator: The Trial & Execution of Robert Brasillach, University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 2000; p. 32.
Added 2006/0113
Robert Brasillach (1909-1945) was convicted of treason by France's Liberation government and shot on 6 Feb 1945. Some have condemned the execution of a noted writer for "words" only. Brasillach, however, was not merely a supporter of the Nazi occupation; he also actively incited the occupiers to persecute and murder, publishing the names and locations of prospective victims. Of 76,000 Jews arrested and deported from France by Vichy and the Nazis, a mere 3,000 survivors returned (Kaplan, p. 32). Like Julius Streicher (publisher of Der Stürmer, tried and hanged at Nuremberg in 1946), Brasillach deserved what he got (though for slightly different reasons). There remains, however, a pragmatic argument (hinted at by Kaplan) -- that by executing him the Liberation government gave him an undeserved aura of martyrdom in some quarters.
In his memoirs, Charles De Gaulle explained his general willingness to commute sentences on collaborationist writers, with one exception -- (Brasillach). He emphasized the issue of treason more than incitement to murder:
If they hadn't served the enemy directly and passionately, I commuted their sentence on principle. In the opposite case -- the only one -- I didn't feel I had the right to pardon. For in literature as in everything, talent confers responsibility.
    --Charles De Gaulle, explaining his refusal to commute death warrant of Robert Brasillach
-- Kaplan, p. 312, in turn quotes Charles De Gaulle, Mémoires de Guerre, Tome 3, p. 141. S'ils n'avaient pas servi directement et passionnément l'ennemi, je commuais leur peine, par principe. Dans un cas contraire - le seul -, je ne me sentis pas le droit de gracier. Car, dans les lettres, comme en tout, le talent est un titre de responsabilité.

Evil -- Fictional

"That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange eons death itself may die"
    --Gothic horror novelist H.P. Lovecraft
Added 990330
"Is it not enough to know they are servants of the enemy? ... Flee them! Speak no word to them! They are deadly."
    --The character "Gildor" speaking to "Frodo" about the Black Riders
    Tolkien's Fellowship of the Ring
J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, V. 1: The Fellowship of the Ring, Ballantine Books, 1965; p. 124
Added 2004/0206

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